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Begin Where You Are: Using Your Resourcefulness

Begin where you are.. I have had this phrase kicking around in my head for days now. Every time I go to finish the intended blog entry for this week this phrase would interrupt me insisting I pay attention to its message. So instead of posting the Design Jargon inaugural post on typography I am following my muse and putting pen to paper to see where it will lead me.

How many times have we stopped ourselves from doing, being or learning all that we can to help us bring our most cherished dreams to fruition. To manifest them. To make them a reality. How often do we tell ourselves there is not way. We tell the story of lack. That we do not have the proper resources, we lack the finances, the education, the programs and equipment needed for our dreams to come true. It truly boils down to a skill set that each of us already have. Its inborn its the resourcefulness and ingenuity to not only survive but thrive.

Resourcefulness is not the resources themselves but our ability to adapt to the situation at hand and adjust our attitude and behavior accordingly. It is making due with what you have on hand at any particular moment and using it to begin where you are trusting that you will be lead to the next step you need to take on your adventure into your dream.

Resourcefulness is particularly useful in times of adversity and when problems arise. These time of adversity are meant to inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to think differently than you have in the past. Do things outside of what you were taught to do. Thinking our own unique beautiful thoughts will open the door to inspiration, improvement and most importantly resourcefulness.

I have come to realize that I need to find ways to increase my own resourcefulness if I am truly to pursue freelance work either as an artist. No matter what medium I am using at the current time. I have two blogs one for arts and crafts called Morgan's Fancies and this one on digital graphic design. I have been searching for a way to get my blogs more established and get myself into a regular rhythm for posting.

One way I am endeavoring to do this is to brainstorm using What If? I find that using this question is a crucial part of my own resourcefulness process. What do I mean by what if? Some examples:

What If...

I had several regular series of topics i can post on

I broke up my usually longer pieces into several posts

I dare to promote myself proudly on social media with an organized posting schedule

You can go on and on with your What Ifs.

So far I have a potential list of proposed series topics:

Design Principles

Design Elements

History of Design


Colour Theory

Layout Design

Edge of Innovative Design

Small Useful tutorials

Free Design Resources on the Net

My Freelance Journey

I am sure there will be many, many more but that inspires me to start where I am with what I have and what I know right now.

At first I will only be posting weekly. As I get more material researched and articles written in advance I can increase the frequency of posting as needed.

Do not miss next week's article: 10 Ways to Develop Your Resourcefulness.

Until then have a great week!


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